Sunday, April 29, 2012

Shadow Children...

the children 
we bore in our wombs 
but never our arms 
the children with whom we never share 
milestones, birthdays, photos 
sweaty heads resting on a pillow 
faces covered with chocolate ice cream 
racing to beat a player to the ball 
firsts of school, dances, kisses 
walks down aisles of graduations, of weddings 
no pictures, parties, ceremonies
no baptism, confirmation, communion 
they live with us, beside us 
we watch their shadow lives unfold 
God knitted them in our womb 
fearfully and wonderfully made 
but the stain of sin 
the corruption of creation 
kept them from the life they could have had 
they are our children 
every bit as much as the ones 
you place to your breast 
send off to school 
bandage knees and cool fevered brows 
cheer wildly at games 
console in your arms 
send off into the world 
they are our children 
living in the shadows of our lives 
where we cannot help but imagine 
their lives
where we cannot help but store 
their hopes and dreams 
where we cannot help but mark 
their milestones
their photos, their memories, 
a scrapbook we can never share 
the pages of which we flip through

~Myrtle Bernice Adams


  1. They are real children, real souls, real individuals. They live. God is their God.

    They are not some souls that passed through to be reincarnated in some other body. They are our children. They are God's children.

  2. You know that I agree, Gitte. It is hard, though, when it seems the only children who die in the womb who matter to our Church are those who are aborted. Perhaps that is harsh, but it seems that unless a baby takes a breath, then the death of that baby is insignificant to anyone other than its parents. This deeply saddens me.

  3. Aborted children are murdered, Myrtle. It is another burden for the aborted mother to bear because she aborted her own child. She bears the grief for the "shadow child" and the guilt for the responsibility, plus often the burden of burying all this in the soul. Grief upon grief.

    We should see how all this is connected. We know why the Lord had to suffer so much to forgive our sins, we would otherwise hardly dare to hope. Let us all lift our heads for our redemption is near and let our "moderation be known unto all men; the Lord is at hand."

  4. What I meant is that there is so much action around abortion, talking about how those children are rightly important and their loss is grieved publicly, but there is not the same sort of public grief, the same sort of compassion for the loss of life in miscarriage. I did not write that very clearly. Please forgive my carelessness.
